In crisis and need to talk now? Please, call 988.

In crisis and need to talk now? Please, call 988.

Our Partners

YouthROC services are provided by our incredible community-based partners.

A huge thank you to them for all they provide for Idaho youth.

AAFV works to eliminate violence in families and homes by empowering individuals to make positive life choices through advocacy, support, education, affordable housing, awareness, and community involvement. Case Management Services are also available.

The Nampa Family Justice Center is an Assessment Provider that  works to bring light to the domestic violence issue by providing victim support, education and life-skill training to those in our immediate and surrounding areas. Case Management Services are also available.

United Way of Treasure Valley helps children who are struggling outside of school by providing hygiene items and shelf-stable foods to school district social workers and homeless student liaisons, who directly support these students.

Findhelp Idaho is an online platform that partners with care management and electronic health record systems. Simply search and connect to financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help and support.

Our Advisory Board

Also, thank you to the Western Idaho Youth Support Advisory Board, which oversees the YouthROC program. A list of members, meeting schedules, and meeting agendas and minutes can be found at the Southwest District Health website.

Contact us if you’d like to become a YouthROC provider.

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