What is YouthROC?
How can YouthROC help?
Where is YouthROC located?
When to apply?
Who can apply?
How do I apply?
Click, call or drop in.
Call the number, complete the online application, or drop in to one of our locations to get started.
What can I expect after applying? When will I hear back and get connected to help?
Online Application: After submitting an application online, a YouthROC team member will reach out to the phone number submitted on the application within 48 hours, or 2 business days. During that phone call, a brief Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire will be completed to identify need and schedule a comprehensive assessment if appropriate.
Calling YouthROC: A YouthROC team member will be available to talk with you about your current concerns and complete a brief screening before scheduling a comprehensive assessment if deemed appropriate.
Dropping-In to a YouthROC Center: Drop in to one of our centers to work with a YouthROC team member to start the process of getting connected to services your youth and family need to get back on track.
Is the service confidential?
Where can referral occur?
Complete our application online, over the phone, or in person at any of our locations.
Online applications can be submitted anywhere an internet connection is available. Applications can be submitted via mobile device or computer. Any trusted adult can refer a youth, with consent from the parent/guardian. A youth can also refer themselves to the program.